Dictionary of technical terms for laser show and show lasers

We will work continuously on the word explanations and meanings, using also sources of information to expand this dictionary and glossary. Here, we take care to keep everything as understandable as possible, so that even non-insiders know what it means. If you have ideas or suggestions, then simply send us an email. We look forward to it, and certainly the readers on our website, too. Sources: LPS, Coherent, EyeMagic, JenLas, Wikipedia

MANUFACTURE IN GERMANY. Sales. Install. Rental. Dry Hire. Worldwide. Since 1993

LPS-Lasersystems offers German made products
LPS WORLDWIDE LPS-Laser produces premium laser show systems and laser shows in Germany. Our laser show products and laser shows are purchased, rented and dry hired worldwide, like already in: Albania, Algeria, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bali, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Congo, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe (Caribbean), India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea, Kuwait, La Réunion, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arabic Emirates, United Kingdom, U.S.A., Vietnam, and Yemen. Download Dictionary Laser show - what is it and how does a laser show work?
CONTACT LPS-Lasersysteme Mr. Siegmund Ruff / CEO Haidschwaerze 18 72131 Ofterdingen / Germany Phone: +49 7473 27 11 77 s.ruff(at)lps-laser.de SHINE BRIGHT SINCE 1993.
30 years LPS laser shows and show lasers, worldwide
AOM (Dictionary Show Lasers System) An acousto-optic modulator, abbreviated AOM, is an optical component ... Argon Ion Laser (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Show / Shows) Gas laser, utilizing the ionized inert gas Agron as an active laser medium. With up to ten lines, the optical color spectrum of an Argon ... Beam deflector (Dictionary Show Lasers System) Electrically powered mirror to change the course of the pre-set beam inside a show system ... Beam show (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Show) Performance of a laser show using beams and animations ... Beam splitter (Dictionary Show Lasers System) A beam splitter is an optical component that separates a single beam into two beams. One part of the laser beam ... Blanking (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Show) To hide connection lines between projected objects, the blanking of the beam is ... Classifications according to DIN EN 60825-1 (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Show) All lasers are classified according to BGV B2 in class 1 up to class 4. The classification is based ... Coating (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Show) In optics there is a difference between metal coatings and dielectric coatings. Metal coatings ... Color spectrum (visible spectrum) (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Show) The wavelength range from 400nm (blue-violet) to 700nm (dark red) is ... Dichro (Dictionary Show Lasers System) Colloquial abbreviation for dichroic filter. A dichro affects certain wavelength ranges reflective, to other wavelengths transparent ... Divergence (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Shows) Divergence identifies the expansion or the angle of a laser beam. This expansion varies depending on the wavelength and ... DMX (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Show) DigitalMultipleX. DMX (old versions DMX512, DMX 512/1990 and latest DMX-512-A) is a digital control protocol used in the stage and event technology to control ... DPSS Laser (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) General abbreviation for Diode Pumped Solid State Laser. In the entertainment industry mostly DPSS lasers ... Fibre optic (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) Fiber optic, glass fibre, glass fiber, fibre-optic cable. A glass fibre consists of a thin fiber made of glass. Its strength is specified in µ (micro) ... Flightcases (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) Stable boxes or cases for safe transport of devices and equipment. Flightcases are used in event industry, event technology, festivals, music industry, movie, video ... Fog liquid / smoke liquid (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) Fluid. Liquid for generating artificial fog by fog machine (smoke machine). This fog is as an effect, in which the ... Galvanometer Scanner (Galvo) (Dictionary Show System) Colloquially often just called "galvos" or "scanners". Galvos are electromagnetic devices with a laser mirror for reflecting a beam and thus create text, animations ... Gas laser (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Shows) The gas laser is a laser with gas as active medium to produce coherent light. Once inside show systems there ... Graphic show / Laser graphics (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Show) With a single beam graphics like logos, text, pictures of products, figures, laser animations, ... Grating / Spectral effect (Dictionary Show System / Laser Shows) In optics a laser grating splits and diffracts the laser beam into several beams travelling in different directions. As the various wavelengths ... Hazer (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Shows) A hazer produces not dense smoke like fog machines, but a light haze. A hazer is gladly used on stages where the effect of an artificial fog ... Helium-neon laser (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Show) The first helium-neon laser emitted in infrared and was the first gas laser. It already has been developed in 1960. Its gain medium consists of a mix of ... ILDA (Dictionary Show System / Shows) The International Laser Display Association (ILDA) has been founded in Lake Tahoe, USA in August 1986. ... ILDA connector (Dictionary Show System) A connector standardized by the ILDA. The ILDA connector is ... ILDA Format (Dictionary Shows) A software-based data format for laser show information. Kpps (Dictionary Show Lasers System) Kilo points per second indicates the scanning speed of galvanometer scanners (graphic projectors). The higher the number at 8°, for example 60 Kpps @ 8°, ... Laser (Dictionary Show Lasers System) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation ... Laser animations (Dictionary Laser Shows) Standing or moving, mostly simple pictures, to be projected by a laser via scanner. These images can ... Laser diode (Diode laser) (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Show) A laser diode is an electrically pumped semiconductor laser and is related with a light emitting diode (LED), but ... Laser line (Dictionary Show System / Laser Shows) Also known as emission wavelength. Many gas lasers emitted at the same time on different wavelengths ... Laser medium (Dictionary Show Lasers System) A laser medium, laser-active medium, also called gain medium or lasing medium, describes the material used to generate laser emission (stimulated emission) ... Laser power (Dictionary Show System / Laser Shows) The heat output of a laser beam is measured in watt (W). The power ... Laser radiation (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Laser Shows) According to the accident prevention regulations BGV B2 the definition of the term "Laser radiation" includes so far the rays of light emitting diodes (LED) ... Laser safety officer for show laser (Dictionary Show System / Shows) A person who has appropriated all necessary qualifications in a laser safety seminar, may identify himself or herself as a laser safety officer ... Laser safety regulations (Dictionary Show System / Shows) Accident prevention regulation "Laser radiation BGV B2" is a legal guideline to make sure that ... Laser show, shows, stage light, stage lighting design (Dictionary Shows) The term "laser show" means the use of laser radiation as a lighting effect for entertainment. There are many possibilities for a laser show in the ... Laser show software (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) Software to edit and transfer single laser animations and / or complete shows to the show system ... Laser Show System (Dictionary Show System) A show system is any device that can emit laser light and is intended for laser show purposes ... Longitudinal modes (Dictionary Show System) The number of longitudinal modes provides information about the number of waves that can resonate inside the resonator. “Longitudinal” means ... MAR (Dictionary Shows) Abbreviated for Maximum Allowed Radiation, the limit for non-hazardous irradiation of eye or skin by laser. To calculate the MAR, there are various parameters needed such as divergence, beam diameter ... Multimedia shows (Laser, Water fountains, Video, Fireworks, Stage Technology, Artists) (Dictionary Show) Multimedia shows are events, shows, productions and performances where various show elements are freely combined such as laser, beam shows, ... Nd YAG (Nd YAG Laser, Yag Laser) (Dictionary Show System / Shows) Neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet laser. A Nd:YAG laser is a solid-state laser with neodymium-doped YAG crystal as active medium. Nd:YAG lasers are ... Open Loop Scanner (Dictionary Show System / Shows) Galvanometer scanner [scanner, galvos] , that moves mirrors which reflect a laser beam and thus create text, animations or patterns ... OPSL (Dictionary Show System) Optical pumped semiconductor lasers belongs to the class of VECSELs (vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting-laser): semiconductor lasers that emit ... Optical bench (Dictionary Show System / Shows) An optical bench could be 5-fold, 12-fold or 16-fold and is mounted as a baseplate in a show lasers system. An optical bench has devices to ... Optical deflection mirror / beam deflector (Dictionary Show System) Measure for the maximum deflection angle of galvanometer scanners. The optical deflection angle ... PCAOM (Dictionary Show System / Laser Show) PolyChromatic Acousto-Optic Modulator. AOMs (acousto-optic modulator) affect only one wavelength, PCAOMs allow the deflection of different wavelenghts ... Polarization (Dictionary Show Lasers System) The polarization of laser beams is mostly linear due to the polarizing optical components in the resonator (diagonal deflecting mirror and brewster windows, ... Polygon scanner (Dictionary Show Lasers System) For a polygon scanner, the sides of a polygonal object are mirrored. If the polygon scanner is quickly turned around its pivot, a line is created due to ... Resonator (Dictionary Show Lasers System) The basic structure of lasers is the the resonator, also known as laser resonator ... RGB (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) Abbreviation for Red, Green and Blue. From these primary colors, the entire visible color spectrum arises. If somebody talks about an RGB ... Satellites (Dictionary Show System / Shows) Satellites are external galvanometer scanner. Their use serves to spread the laser output widely into the room, respectively into the ... Scanner (Open Loop Scanner, Closed Loop Scanner) (Dictionary Show System / Shows) Scanners exist of two galvanometers (galvos), squared mounted mirrors on magnetically powered axis. One galvo takes the horizontal, ... Scanner Safety (Scanner Failure Protection) (Dictionary Show System / Shows) Electronic monitoring switch. Monitors the movments of the galvanometer scanner and prevents the output of a beam ... Screen / Screens (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) Various projection screens for laser-shows, animations, graphics, animated films [cartoons] and video projections ... Shutter (Dictionary Show System) Device to interrupt laser beams. It is either placed directly in front of the beam exit as a mechanical interruption or electrically integrated into ... Static beams (Dictionary Shows) Not moving, standing laser beams, that are emitted into the room. If this place is accessible for the public, each beam must ... TEC (Dictionary Show System) Common abbreviation for thermoelectric cooler (electro-thermal converters), Peltier element or Peltier ... Telescope optics (Dictionary Show System) Combination of a dispersion lens and a convex lens. Hereby, the diameter of the beam ... TEM (Dictionary Show System / Shows) Abbreviation for Transversal Electromagnetical Mode. The field strength distribution of the light waves in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation of ... Thin-Disk Laser (Dictionary Show System / Shows) Thin-disc lasers are a type of solid-state lasers, whereas the active medium (laser crystal) has the shape of a disk. The heat sink and the laser output ... USB interface (Dictionary Show Lasers System) An USB interface is basically an interface between a computer and another device via USB (universal serial bus). In the laser technology ... Wavelengths (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) In the simplified physics, light is known as an electromechanical wave. This wave oscillates at a specific frequency ... White balance (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) To get a beautiful, pure white with an RGB system, both the intensity and the wavelength of each ... Wind machine (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) Device for generating artificial wind. Is used for shows as supportive, very important show equipment ... X-Axis, Y-Axis, Z-Axis (Dictionary Show Lasers System / Shows) The X-Axis is the horizontal axis of a 2D or 3D representation (2D, 3D), the Y-Axis the vertical axis. The Z-Axis applies, in contrast to the X-Axis and Y-Axis ... Zero-order beam (Dictionary Shows) Center beam occurring at gratings. For reasons of laser safety, the handling with spectral effects ...

Dictionary - Terms of laser show technology explained to understand.

Again and again war are asked: “What is the meaning of ...?” or “What does it mean ...?”. This gave us the idea to create a glossary, a
An acousto-optic modulator, abbreviated as AOM, is an optical component ...

Argon Ion Laser
Gas lasers, utilizing the ionized rare gas Argon as an active laser medium...

Beam deflector
Electrically powered mirror to change the course of the pre-set beam inside a laser show system...

Beam show
Performance of a laser show using laser beams and laser animations…

Beam splitter
A beam splitter is an optical component that separates a single laser beam...
To hide connection lines between projected objects, the blanking of the laser beam…

Classifications according to DIN EN 60825-1
All lasers are classified according to BGV B2 in laser class 1 up to laser class 4 …

In optics there is a difference between metal coatings and dielectric coatings...

Color spectrum (visible spectrum)
The wavelength range from 400nm (blue-violet) up to 700nm (dark red)...

Colloquial abbreviation for dichroic filter...

Divergence identifies the expansion or the angle of a laser beam...

DigitalMultipleX. DMX (old versions DMX512, DMX 512/1990 and latest DMX-512-A)...

DPSS laser
Diode Pumped Solid State Laser. In the entertainment industry mostly DPSS lasers...

Fibre optic (glass fibre, glass fiber)
Fiber optic, glass fibre, glass fiber, fibre-optic cable...

Stable boxes or cases for safe transport of devices and equipment. Flightcases are ...

Fog liquid / Smoke liquid
Fluid. Liquid for generating artificial fog by fog machines (smoke machines)...

Galvanometer scanner (Galvo, Scanners)
Galvos are electromagnetic devices with a laser mirror for reflecting a laser beam...

Gas laser
The gas laser is a laser with gas as active medium to produce coherent light...

Graphic show / laser graphics
With a single laser beam laser graphics like logos, text, pictures of products, figures, laser animations...

Grating / spectral effect
In optics a laser grating splits and diffracts the laser beam into several laser beams...

A hazer produces not dense smoke like fog machines (smoke machines), but a light haze...

Helium-neon laser (He-Ne laser, HeNe laser)
The HeNe laser mostly emitted red laser light and has been the first laser to emit continous laser light during operation…

The International Laser Display Association (ILDA) has been founded in Lake Tahoe, USA

ILDA connector
A connector standardized by the ILDA. The ILDA connector...

ILDA format
A software-based data format for laser show information...

Kilo points per second indicates the scanning speed of galvanometer scanners (graphic projectors)...

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (acronym: LASER)...

Laser animations
Standing or moving, mostly simple pictures, to be projected by a laser via scanner...

Laser diode (diode laser)
A laser diode is an electrically pumped semiconductor laser ...

Laser line
Also known as emission wavelength. Many gas lasers emitted at the same time on different wavelengths...

Laser medium (laser-active medium)
A laser medium, laser-active medium, also called gain medium or lasing medium...

Laser power
The heat output of a laser beam is measured in watt (W). The laser power...

Laser radiation
According to the accident prevention regulations BGV B2 the definition of the term "Laser radiation" includes so far the rays of light emitting diodes (LED)...

Laser safety officer for laser show systems
A person who has appropriated all necessary qualifications in a laser safety seminar, may identify himself or herself as a laser safety officer...

Laser safety regulations
Accident prevention regulation "Laser radiation BGV B2" is a legal guideline...

Laser show software
Software to edit and transfer single laser animations and / or complete laser shows to the laser show system...

Laser show system
A laser show system is any device that can emit laser light and is intended for show purposes...

Laser show, laser shows, laser stage lighting, laser light show
The term “laser show” means the use of laser radiation as a lighting effect for entertainment. There are many possibilities for laser shows...

Longitudinal Modes
The number of longitudinal modes provides information about the number of waves that can resonate inside the resonator...

Maximum Allowed Radiation, the limit for non-hazardous irradiation of eye or skin by laser...

Multimedia shows (laser, water fountains, video, fireworks, stage technology, artists, ...)
Multimedia shows are events, shows, productions and performances where various show elements are freely combined such as laser, beam shows, graphic shows, laser beams, water games...

Nd YAG (Nd YAG Laser, Yag Laser)
Neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet laser. A Nd:YAG laser is a solid-state laser with neodymium-doped YAG...

Open loop scanner
Galvanometer scanner (scanner, galvos), that moves mirrors which reflect a laser beam...

Optical pumped semiconductor lasers belongs to the class of VECSELs (vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting-laser): semiconductor lasers...

Optical bench
An optical bench could be 5-fold, 12-fold or 16-fold and is mounted as a baseplate in a show laser system...

Optical deflection angle
Measure for the maximum deflection angle of galvanometer scanners...

PolyChromatic Acousto-Optic Modulator. AOMs (acousto-optic modulator) affect only one wavelength, PCAOMs allow the deflection of different wavelenghts...

The polarization of laser beams is mostly linear due to the polarizing optical components in the resonator...

Polygon scanner
For a polygon scanner, the sides of a polygonal object are mirrored...

The basic structure of each laser is the resonator, also known as laser resonator...

Abbreviation for Red, Green and Blue. From these primary colors, the entire visible color spectrum arises

Satellites are external galvanometer scanner. Their use serves to spread the laser output...

Scanner (open loop scanner, closed loop scanner)
Scanners exist of two galvanometers (galvos), squared mounted mirrors on magnetically powered axis...

Scanner safety (Scanner failure protection)
Electronic monitoring switch. Monitors the movments of the galvanometer scanner and prevents the output of a laser beam...

Screen / Screens
Various projection screens for laser shows, laser animations, laser graphics, animated films [cartoons] and video projections...

Device to interrupt laser beams...

Static beams
Not moving, standing laser beams, that are emitted into the room...

Common abbreviation for Peltier elements (electro-thermal converters) or Peltier cooler (also known as thermoelectric cooler)...

Telescope optics
Combination of a dispersion lens and a convex lens...

Transversal Electromagnetical Mode. The field strength distribution of the light waves...

Thin-disk laser
A thin-disc laser is a type of solid-state laser, whereas the active medium (laser crystal) has the shape of a disk...

USB interface
An USB interface is basically an interface between a computer and another device via USB (universal serial bus)...

In the simplified physics, light is known as an electromechanical wave...

White balance
To get a beautiful, pure white with an RGB laser system, both the intensity and the wavelength of each laser must be matched...

Wind machine
Device for generating artificial wind. Is used for laser shows...

X-Axis, Y-Axis, Z-Axis
The X-Axis is the horizontal axis of a 2D or 3D representation (2D, 3D), the Y-Axis the vertical axis. The Z-Axis...

Zero-order beam
Center beam occurring at gratings. For reasons of laser safety, the handling with spectral effects...

Prices are in EURO, ex factory, without VAT. Content without engagement. We reserve changes that serve the technical progress. Page content does not constitute binding advice of any form. All information without obligation and without warranty.

MANUFACTURE IN GERMANY. Install. Rental. Dry Hire. Global. Since 1993

CONTACT LPS-Lasersysteme Mr. Siegmund Ruff / CEO Haidschwaerze 18 72131 Ofterdingen / Germany Phone: +49 7473 27 11 77 s.ruff(at)lps-laser.de

Dictionary of technical terms for laser show and

show lasers

We will work continuously on the word explanations and meanings, using also sources of information to expand this dictionary and glossary. Here, we take care to keep everything as understandable as possible, so that even non-insiders know what it means. If you have ideas or suggestions, then simply send us an email. We look forward to it, and certainly the readers on our website, too. Sources: LPS, Coherent, EyeMagic, JenLas, Wikipedia

Dictionary - Terms of laser show

technology explained to understand.

Again and again war are asked: “What is the meaning of ...?” or “What does it mean ...?”. This gave us the idea to create a glossary, a
30 years LPS laser shows and show lasers, worldwide
An acousto-optic modulator, abbreviated as AOM, is an optical component ...

Argon Ion Laser
Gas lasers, utilizing the ionized rare gas Argon as an active laser medium...

Beam deflector
Electrically powered mirror to change the course of the pre-set beam inside a laser show system...

Beam show
Performance of a laser show using laser beams and laser animations…

Beam splitter
A beam splitter is an optical component that separates a single laser beam...
To hide connection lines between projected objects, the blanking of the laser beam…

Classifications according to DIN EN 60825-1
All lasers are classified according to BGV B2 in laser class 1 up to laser class 4 …

In optics there is a difference between metal coatings and dielectric coatings...

Color spectrum (visible spectrum)
The wavelength range from 400nm (blue-violet) up to 700nm (dark red)...

Colloquial abbreviation for dichroic filter...

Divergence identifies the expansion or the angle of a laser beam...

DigitalMultipleX. DMX (old versions DMX512, DMX 512/1990 and latest DMX-512-A)...

DPSS laser
Diode Pumped Solid State Laser. In the entertainment industry mostly DPSS lasers...

Fibre optic (glass fibre, glass fiber)
Fiber optic, glass fibre, glass fiber, fibre-optic cable...

Stable boxes or cases for safe transport of devices and equipment. Flightcases are ...

Fog liquid / Smoke liquid
Fluid. Liquid for generating artificial fog by fog machines (smoke machines)...

Galvanometer scanner (Galvo, Scanners)
Galvos are electromagnetic devices with a laser mirror for reflecting a laser beam...

Gas laser
The gas laser is a laser with gas as active medium to produce coherent light...

Graphic show / laser graphics
With a single laser beam laser graphics like logos, text, pictures of products, figures, laser animations...

Grating / spectral effect
In optics a laser grating splits and diffracts the laser beam into several laser beams...

A hazer produces not dense smoke like fog machines (smoke machines), but a light haze...

Helium-neon laser (He-Ne laser, HeNe laser)
The HeNe laser mostly emitted red laser light and has been the first laser to emit continous laser light during operation…

The International Laser Display Association (ILDA) has been founded in Lake Tahoe, USA

ILDA connector
A connector standardized by the ILDA. The ILDA connector...

ILDA format
A software-based data format for laser show information...

Kilo points per second indicates the scanning speed of galvanometer scanners (graphic projectors)...

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (acronym: LASER)...

Laser animations
Standing or moving, mostly simple pictures, to be projected by a laser via scanner...

Laser diode (diode laser)
A laser diode is an electrically pumped semiconductor laser ...

Laser line
Also known as emission wavelength. Many gas lasers emitted at the same time on different wavelengths...

Laser medium (laser-active medium)
A laser medium, laser-active medium, also called gain medium or lasing medium...

Laser power
The heat output of a laser beam is measured in watt (W). The laser power...

Laser radiation
According to the accident prevention regulations BGV B2 the definition of the term "Laser radiation" includes so far the rays of light emitting diodes (LED)...

Laser safety officer for laser show systems
A person who has appropriated all necessary qualifications in a laser safety seminar, may identify himself or herself as a laser safety officer...

Laser safety regulations
Accident prevention regulation "Laser radiation BGV B2" is a legal guideline...

Laser show software
Software to edit and transfer single laser animations and / or complete laser shows to the laser show system...

Laser show system
A laser show system is any device that can emit laser light and is intended for show purposes...

Laser show, laser shows, laser stage lighting, laser light show
The term “laser show” means the use of laser radiation as a lighting effect for entertainment. There are many possibilities for laser shows...

Longitudinal Modes
The number of longitudinal modes provides information about the number of waves that can resonate inside the resonator...

Maximum Allowed Radiation, the limit for non-hazardous irradiation of eye or skin by laser...

Multimedia shows (laser, water fountains, video, fireworks, stage technology, artists, ...)
Multimedia shows are events, shows, productions and performances where various show elements are freely combined such as laser, beam shows, graphic shows, laser beams, water games...

Nd YAG (Nd YAG Laser, Yag Laser)
Neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet laser. A Nd:YAG laser is a solid-state laser with neodymium-doped YAG...

Open loop scanner
Galvanometer scanner (scanner, galvos), that moves mirrors which reflect a laser beam...

Optical pumped semiconductor lasers belongs to the class of VECSELs (vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting-laser): semiconductor lasers...

Optical bench
An optical bench could be 5-fold, 12-fold or 16-fold and is mounted as a baseplate in a show laser system...

Optical deflection angle
Measure for the maximum deflection angle of galvanometer scanners...

PolyChromatic Acousto-Optic Modulator. AOMs (acousto-optic modulator) affect only one wavelength, PCAOMs allow the deflection of different wavelenghts...

The polarization of laser beams is mostly linear due to the polarizing optical components in the resonator...

Polygon scanner
For a polygon scanner, the sides of a polygonal object are mirrored...

The basic structure of each laser is the resonator, also known as laser resonator...

Abbreviation for Red, Green and Blue. From these primary colors, the entire visible color spectrum arises

Satellites are external galvanometer scanner. Their use serves to spread the laser output...

Scanner (open loop scanner, closed loop scanner)
Scanners exist of two galvanometers (galvos), squared mounted mirrors on magnetically powered axis...

Scanner safety (Scanner failure protection)
Electronic monitoring switch. Monitors the movments of the galvanometer scanner and prevents the output of a laser beam...

Screen / Screens
Various projection screens for laser shows, laser animations, laser graphics, animated films [cartoons] and video projections...

Device to interrupt laser beams...

Static beams
Not moving, standing laser beams, that are emitted into the room...

Common abbreviation for Peltier elements (electro-thermal converters) or Peltier cooler (also known as thermoelectric cooler)...

Telescope optics
Combination of a dispersion lens and a convex lens...

Transversal Electromagnetical Mode. The field strength distribution of the light waves...

Thin-disk laser
A thin-disc laser is a type of solid-state laser, whereas the active medium (laser crystal) has the shape of a disk...

USB interface
An USB interface is basically an interface between a computer and another device via USB (universal serial bus)...

In the simplified physics, light is known as an electromechanical wave...

White balance
To get a beautiful, pure white with an RGB laser system, both the intensity and the wavelength of each laser must be matched...

Wind machine
Device for generating artificial wind. Is used for laser shows...

X-Axis, Y-Axis, Z-Axis
The X-Axis is the horizontal axis of a 2D or 3D representation (2D, 3D), the Y-Axis the vertical axis. The Z-Axis...

Zero-order beam
Center beam occurring at gratings. For reasons of laser safety, the handling with spectral effects...

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