Light in simple physics is distinguished as electromagnetic waves, which resonate with a particular frequency. Frequency and the rate of spread result a spatial distance between two points with the same phase (must have the same angle and the same direction of movement over a period). Wavelength means the length of distance between two waves. This also specifies at the same time the color of the light in nm (Nanometer).Further information about wavelenghts you will find in our dictionary.
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Wavelength, wavelengths -
what is it?
Light in simple physics is distinguished as electromagnetic waves, which resonate with a particular frequency. Frequency and the rate of spread result a spatial distance between two points with the same phase (must have the same angle and the same direction of movement over a period). Wavelength means the length of distance between two waves. This also specifies at the same time the color of the light in nm (Nanometer).Further information about wavelenghts you will find in our dictionary.
We reserve changes that serve the technical progress. Page content does not constitute binding advice of any form. All information without obligation and without warranty.